Prayphos™ PPA 80% TG

1 of 32 products in this brand
Prayphos™ PPA 80% TG is an 80% phosphoric acid, available as a slightly viscous, clear, colorless liquid with no foreign odor. It is used in institutional and industrial care, particularly for institutional and catering applications. In home care applications, it is used for metal cleaners, and in industrial and institutional cleaning, it is used in sanitizers.

Chemical Name: Phosphoric Acid

CAS Number: 7664-38-2

Chemical Family: Inorganic Acids, Phosphoric Derivatives

Grade: Technical Grade

Labeling Claims: Allergen-free, BSE-free, GMO-free, Non-Flammable, Non-explosive, Not Listed In California Proposition 65, TSE-free

Applicable Processes: Aluminum Bright Dipping, Biodiesel Manufacturing, Cement Manufacturing, Dye Manufacturing, Effluent Treatment, Electroplating, Fiber Manufacturing, Metal Cleaning, Metal Phosphatizing, Pigment Manufacturing, Water Treatment

Synonyms: H3PO4, Naval Jelly, Orthophosphoric Acid, White Phosphoric Acid

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Soluble In
Slightly viscous clear, colorless liquid
No foreign odor
Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Equivalent Phosphoric Acid80.3%QLT.9043
Equivalent Phosphorus Pentoxide58.1%QLT.9043
Specific Gravity (at 25/15.5°C)1.632-QLT.9043
Physical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Freezing Point4.6°C-
Boiling Point144.0°C-
Viscosity (at 25°C)17cSt-
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Molecular Weight98.0--
Weight per Gallon (at 25°C)13.5 - 13.7lbs/gal-

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Packaging Information
  • Bulk Tank Trucks
  • Drums
  • Totes

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
2 years
Storage & Shelf Life
  • Store product in sealed containers at room temperature and above freezing (crystallization) point.
  • Preferred storage: SS 316 tanks or certain reinforced plastics and rubber lined vessels.
  • Best before: 2 years after production date in appropriate storage conditions.