Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- Country of Origin
- Ingredient Name
- Animal Feed & Nutrition Functions
- Molecular formula
- Na₂CO₃.NaHCO₃.2H₂O
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Animal Feed & Nutrition Features
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Fluids & Lubricants Type
- Fluids & Lubricants End Use
- Appearance
- Free Flowing and Non Caking
- Chemical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Sodium Content min. 30 wt% Sodium Carbonate 47 wt% - Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 37 wt% - Water of Hydration 16 wt% - Sodium Chloride max. 0.05 wt% Sodium Sulfate max. 0.05 wt% Heavy Metals (as Pb) max. 10 ppm - - Physical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Bulk Density 994 kg/m³ - - Specifications
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Molecular Weight 226.03 - - - Typical Analysis
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Sodium Sesquicarbonate 100 % -
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Supplied by
- Packaging Information
- 50 lb (22.7 kg) multi-wall polylined bags
- One ton super sacks
- Bulk hopper trucks
- Bulk hopper cars