Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- Product Type
- Base Chemicals Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Base Chemicals Features
- Ready-to-Use Product Features
- Product Benefits
- Maximize performance and service life by protecting equipment from scale, organic deposits, and corrosion.
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Applicable Processes
- Application Area
- Base Chemicals End Uses
- Uses
- Used for downtime evaporator cleaning and descaling.
- Odor
- Odorless
- Typical Properties
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Phosphoric Acid min. 75.0 wt % - P₂O₅ min. 54.3 wt % - Specific Gravity (at 25°C/15.50) min. 1.574 - -
Packaging & Availability
- Packaging Type
- Supplied by