Dissolvine® H-Fe-5.5-GS

1 of 33 products in this brand
Dissolvine® H-Fe-5.5-GS is a liquid chelating agent designed for superior performance in gas sweetening applications. It features higher Fe3+ content to minimize plugging, reduce chemical waste, and lower make-up volumes during H2S gas scrubbing processes.

Applicable Processes: Gas Sweetening, H2S Gas Scrubbing

Features: High Performance

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Industrial Additives Features

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Molecular Mass3311--
Density ¹approx. 1360kg/m³-

¹ poured bulk density for solids, note: 1000 kg/m³ = 8.35 lb/gal (for liquids) and 62.43 lb/ft³ (for solids)

Packaging & Availability

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